4 Challenges of Buying Jewelry Online + How Retailers Can Solve Them

Have a look at the customer pain points of buying jewelry online and discover how businesses can solve them.

The global online jewelry market was worth approximately USD 45.33 billion in 2023 and is expected to triple to approximately USD 130.86 billion by 2032.

Impressive numbers, right?

But the growth in e-commerce comes with certain challenges too. Some of them are - lack of touch and feel, inability to examine the designs in detail, apprehension about the product’s authenticity, and more.

So, how can jewelry professionals overcome these challenges and enhance their customers’ online jewelry shopping experience?

Well, you’re at the right place. This blog post covers exactly that - the challenges or pain points of buying jewelry online and how technology can help in addressing these challenges.

Let’s get started.

4 challenges of buying jewelry online and how to solve them

Challenge 1: The tangibility gap

The first and biggest challenge when it comes to online jewelry shopping is the lack of tangible interaction.

The ability to touch, feel, and experience the jewelry piece is the most important factor when it comes to making such a huge investment. And, the 2D jewelry images fail to capture the details, keeping the shoppers hesitant and skeptical.

Solution: HD and detailed 3D visualization

Try out an innovative 3D visualization tool and offer your customers a near-tangible online shopping experience. A 3D visualization software can help you come up with high-quality 3D models, showcasing a detailed and 360-degree view of jewelry pieces.

How can iJewel help?

iJewel Editor helps to customize jewelry designs. And furthermore, with iJewel Viewer, you can easily showcase the jewelry designs in stunning 3D. It lets you easily embed and render the 3D models directly within your web pages.

Here’s a quick glimpse of how Editor works in iJewel Drive.

Challenge 2: Size Misinterpretation

Will that pendant fit as I’m thinking? Will that ring look too loud on my hands? There are various questions that come to the mind of a shopper when browsing jewelry online.

2D images often fail to accurately show the dimensions of the jewelry piece. And this is where the online shoppers often struggle.

Solution: Leverage the power of TryOn solutions.

A good 3D visualization tool can help eliminate the uncertainty about the jewelry piece’s dimension and detail.

How can iJewel 3D help?

iJewel TryOn offers real-time interaction that lets your customer zoom, rotate, and view every angle, just like an in-store experience. This reduces uncertainty and strengthens customers’ trust.

Experience TryOn!

Challenge 3: Lack of try-before-you-buy experience

Another crucial element that’s missing in online jewelry shopping is the ability to try the jewelry pieces before making a purchase.

This ‘in-store’ experience makes customers feel alienated and affects their decision to buy a jewelry piece.

Solution: Go for a top-notch virtual jewelry try-on solution.

A virtual jewelry try-on software can help in bridging the gap between online jewelry shopping and in-store experience. It lets customers virtually wear their chosen jewelry pieces and see how they look on them - right at the comfort of their home.

How can iJewel 3D help?

iJewel TryOn leverages advanced augmented reality (AR) technology to let customers try different jewelry pieces in real-time, using smartphone, tablet, or laptop. It supports both iOS, Android, MacOS, and windows. This helps to improve the customer’s confidence and ultimately drive sales.

Experience TryOn and see the magic!

Challenge 4: Limited customization options

Customers often look for unique pieces that reflect their individuality. However, limited customization options in traditional e-commerce jewelry stores make it difficult for customers to find uniquely ‘them’ jewelry pieces.

Solution: Let your customers personalize the jewelry pieces.

Go beyond offering your customers to choose between a wide-range of jewelry pieces. Instead, let them create something unique.

How can iJewel 3D help?

iJewel e-commerce helps to transform the online jewelry store by offering an interactive 3D experience to the customers and improving their shopping experience.

One of the most interesting features is multiple customization options. The tool lets customers personalize the jewelry piece by changing gemstones, adjusting gem placement, choosing metals, adding engravings, and more. This helps to improve customer satisfaction and drive more sales.

Also, here’s a quick demo of iJewel ecommerce.

Improve online jewelry shopping experience with iJewel

Jewelry businesses need to adapt to the changing customer needs. 3D visualization software is designed to overcome the barriers of online jewelry shopping with the help of a customer-oriented approach and  providing an interactive experience.

iJewel 3D can help you easily bridge the gap between online jewelry shopping and physical experience. To know more about our tool, get in touch with us.

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